Wednesday, August 17, 2011

baby bump!

This tummy picture was taking between 16 and 17 weeks gestation.  Also posting our sonogram picture.  No peaking!  Still not finding out the sex!  Current Cravings:  Milk (now with chocolate), macaroni and cheese.  Still very very tired and napping all of the time!  I can't imagine doing this with a child already!  hehe.  Michael and I are making changes in our work schedules to make sure we don't need "night" childcare.  Looks like I'm staying on night shift and he is going to days!  Feeling really good about that decision! 

In a few weeks we will welcome our Nephew, Decker (Dustin and Audra's little boy) Due September 22nd!  Can't wait for that! :)  And our Nephew, Tristan (Chris' little boy) started his last year of preschool yesterday and will be 5 on September 25th!  Time sure does fly!

We are looking forward to the cooler weather in the next few months and can't wait to watch our baby grow!

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