Sunday, July 31, 2011

One year post-jumping plane- Michael has another itch!

Remember last year on this day?  The skydiving adventure?  Today, Michael's cousin, Teal, visits from Arizona with his plane.  After working on the fuel pump the day before, he takes Michael up for a ride and they fly over our house.  Paupi, the Barretts, Mom and dad, and of course his nervous wife watched as they soared over and even did a "barrell roll"  Of course now Michael wants to take flying lessons. 

 this is a picture of them with the plane "apart" fixing a fuel pump.  scary!

This is a picture of our house!  paupi's to the left, then ours.  You can see Douglas road in the top of the photo (24 hwy to your left)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

12 weeks!

Current cravings:  2% milk morning, day, night, and middle of the night!  and lemonade... with a side of lemons!  I have the nose of a blood hound which is quite annoying to most people (especially me) and Michael is pretty much the most patient husband for putting up with my amazing mood swings!  watch out!  hehe.
We heard a heartbeat Friday!  It took awhile to find but that little stinker was hiding behind my aorta.  Michael was so proud!  He still thinks it's twins.  We both think no matter what it's a girl (even though we aren't finding out!)  We of course would be so happy with boy or girl!  We are just thrilled to be parents so it doesn't even matter!  Healthy baby is all we are praying for :)

Here are our first official maternity pictures.  Bye Bye flat tummy!  :)