Thursday, May 19, 2011

B is for B A B Y !!!

On May 19, 2011 we found out we are pregnant!  We couldn't be more happy and excited.  We feel so very blessed for this true miracle from God.  Today is also Grandma Edith's birthday and Ryan's.  So it is a very very special day to us and now more than ever.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The new place!

We are here!  We love it!  It's perfect for us until we can find our first home to buy.  Paxton is adjusting very well (we were a little concerned in the beginning) but he has fell in love with the stairs, the neighbor animals and the bugs!!!!!!  :)  Come visit us anytime!!!  -Michael and Amanda

Fresh asparagus from paupi/barrett garden!

paxton relaxing the first night :)

Paxton watching the cows outside

Our first dinner in our new home :)

Michael's new truck!

Pax watching us grill on the patio

Peanut showing off his new haircut to pax!