Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Just a very merry, cherry cherry Christmas.
And if all of those who love you gather near,
you'll have a very merry, cherry cherry, holly holy,
rock and rolly Christmas this year.

Merry Christmas everyone!  We love you!  *Michael, Amanda and Paxton Cox*

Here are a few pictures of our kitty helping wrap gifts :)

Merry Christmas Tristan!

 Tristan went with us to get a tree from Cheryl and Duane's property :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Duane turns 50!

We celebrated Duane's 50th birthday with great food family and friends!  Dustin and Audra hosted their first dinner at their home and then we had a surprise party at the West Coast Saloon with many many family and friends!  It was a great turn-out and a great time!  Pictures below!

Steak and potato (yum yum) dinner at Dustin and Audra's.  Duane, Audra and Audra's brother Brendon pictured here.

 Cheryl and Duane pictured here with Gary (cousin) 

Duane with his sister Carolyn and Mom Shirley :)

Duane with his Mom, Shirley

Duane and Carolyn

The Asher Family (Audra's) with Caitrin (Duane's Niece- Carolyn's daughter and her boyfriend Brandon)

 long time friend of Duane's- Leon Reed

Steve Howard and Duane-  Friend, Cousin, and lifetime band brother!

Michael and Dustin-  this is what we get when we ask for a photo.

The cake!  (compliments of Amanda- I have to take credit for the design!  :)

Happy Birthday Duane!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Visiting family in Florida

Michael and I visited Aunt Mary Anne and Uncle Dick last weekend.  They live outside of Tampa Bay, Florida.  We spent the weekend going to all of my favorite places and then finished our trip with the Buc's game and got to see all of the family too!  :)

Clearwater Beach.  BRRR  Amanda, Aunt Mary Anne, and Uncle Dick

 Frenchie's at Clearwater Beach.  Amanda, Aunt Mary Anne
 Aunt Mary Anne and Uncle Dick at Frenchie's

 Michael and I next to Grammy's sand dune :)

Dock in the intercoastal waters by Treasure Island (aka Carole's house)
 Sunset Treasure Island right outside of Carole's house

Caladesi Island Tortoise!

Horseshoe Crab :) Caladesi Island

Michael and his seagull friend :)

 Our collection of horseshoe crabs and coral

Our parents have these hilarious pictures from the 80's and 90's of the summers with the men and their shirts off I just had to post this picture.  I love how "vintage" it is- especially with the old Miller Lite cooler to the right!  haha.

Lunch/Beer break!

On the ferry on our way back from the Island

Driving Range

 Tampa Bay Buc's Tailgate.  Uncle Dick and his Bad A** self :)
 The tailgate was Lobster and Champagne!  YUM YUM YUM
 Auntie and I with the Buc's skeleton
 Michael's Lobster drinking champagne :)

 It was a "throw back" game.  Everyone wore (including the players) old "original" gear.  Old color is orange and white "creamsickle".  New color Red and Black.  I had to take a picture of the Cheerleaders and their HUGE poms!

Lily - Auntie and Uncle Dick's new puppy :)

 Family photo with Lily