Tuesday, January 24, 2012

She's the most beautiful GIRL!

Madison Edith Cox born at 5:10 am 5 pounds 14 ounces 19 inches long!
Proud Daddy delivered her safely into this world with Dr Iliff.  (who barely made it to the hospital!)

Maddie Cox you are so perfect words cannot describe our love for you!

Daddy cutting the umbilical cord!

hello world!

diaper change!

Mommy holding for the first time. Madison found her fingers!

Proud grandparents and daddy!

Proud grandparents!


Yummy :)

First sponge bath by the nurses

I like to cry!

Tired daddy!

exhausted mommy but so happy!


pretty bow

my first bath by mommy and daddy!


all better in daddy's swaddle. 


worn out!

dress up with mom


so sweet

so tiny

going home!  thursday the 26th!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Headed to the hospital!

Induction is scheduled today!  Here is my last pregnancy picture at home and also a picture of our family of 3 before our little one arrived and made it four!

Friday, December 9, 2011

34 Weeks!

Michael and I are getting so excited to meet this baby!  What are you little one??  boy or girl???  We are getting very anxious :)  Here is my latest bump picture!

Michael and Pax testing out the baby carrier :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Kayla's Surprise Baby Shower!

Annie, Elizabeth and I surprised Kayla with a baby shower for baby Jaxon!  She was TOTALLY surprised!  IT was so fun!

Annie's decorations were great!

Cookies made by Kayla's mom, Cupcakes by Elizabeth, and Annie made amazing punch!


fun baby food game!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Baby Shower #3!

Carolyn and Caitrin held a baby shower for us and it was wonderful!  Such a fun and relaxing time with Michael's family :)  Thank you!!!!